Are You Facing Bald Patches? It’s Time You Start a Hair Treatment!
Hair loss, receding hairline, bald spots, widening parting – these can do much more than cause concern. Hair loss and its associated conditions often trigger anxiety and damage one’s self-esteem. It is imperative to understand that hair loss and bald patches are the results of several physical, hormonal, and emotional conditions, most of which can be managed and even reversed if you seek timely help. If you have started to notice excess hair fall and the appearance of bald patches, then it is time for you to start hair treatment.
Dietary and Lifestyle Changes
One of the common causes of hair fall and premature balding is a dietary deficiency. Lack of protein, iron, zinc, and vitamins A, B7, B12, C, D, or E in your diet may cause excess hair fall or even bald patches. If you are very busy or someone who eats out a lot, you may consider making healthier choices when it comes to food. All known deficiencies can be corrected with the intake of vitamin and mineral supplements.
Picking the Right Products
Environmental pollution is another prime cause of excess hair loss. There may be very little you can do to tackle the environment, but picking hair products made of natural ingredients without toxins or harsh chemicals makes a big difference. Products like Wow Skin Science Onion Hair Oil or Hair Loss Control Therapy Shampoo prevent further hair fall and boost hair growth. It is always a good idea to choose products free from parabens, silicates, phosphates and mineral oil.
Stress can manifest in several ways. It throws our health and happiness out of balance. Researchers believe that lack of sleep and stress are leading to hair fall. You must do adequate exercise, sleep for at least 7-8 hours a day, and practice de-stressing techniques such as yoga and meditation to help you relax. The company of family and friends has real therapeutic value.
Consulting a Professional
If you continue to experience hair loss and bald patches even after going through your dietary and lifestyle changes, then you should consider seeking professional help. A dermatologist will test for hormonal imbalances and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Medications and supplements address these issues. Conditions like alopecia areata, tineas capitis, or other skin conditions may require specialized treatments. An experienced dermatologist who specializes in trichology may be best suited to treat these conditions and suggest proper remedial treatment. Unlike popular beliefs, hair treatments are not always expensive. The recommended onion shampoo price may be just as much as any other popular brand.
When it comes to arresting hair loss and reversing bald patches, patience is the key to all therapies. It may take anywhere between a few weeks to months to notice a difference. Maintaining a disciplined lifestyle and adhering to your hair care routine will make all the difference. WOW Skin Science can also help with its wide range of solutions for hair loss and hair regrowth. Check their reviews online to know more!