What is the difference between wholesale and retail?
The basic answer to this question is that a retail entrepreneur sells his products directly to the consumer. It means that the retailer usually buys products from one or several Wholesale Clothing Vendors. Retail sales come in the form of selling through an online store or through a brick-and-mortar store.
Alternatively, the customers of a clothing wholesaler are practically the resellers. They will buy in bulk and sale for a lower unit price. Essentially, the retailer would be considered an intermediary since it brings the product closer to the customer and provides the convenience and service usually found in an e-commerce store or retail store.
What is the difference between wholesalers and distributors?
Distributors, wholesalers and manufacturers have separate responsibilities. Wholesalers find authentic retailers who can affordable bulk buying. On the other hand, manufacturers focus on manufacturing products. For this reason, manufacturers usually collaborate with a distributor. It means that there is actually yet another intermediary in the entire sales stream. Often times, wholesalers order clothing items in bulk from some of the reputed wholesale distributors. These distributors have direct link with the manufacturing companies. The more products wholesalers buy, the lower the unit cost they have to spend.
A pair of children clothes would be created in a manufacturing warehouse, and then the distributor will go out and find wholesalers who may want to buy those clothes in bulk. The distributor is then carried through with their work up to the next batch of sales to a wholesaler. The wholesaler includes a small markup, but it is not until the retailer sells to consumers that we see a significant markup due to selling duplicate products.
Difference between Wholesale and Drop shipping
There are many pros and cons of wholesaling. There are also many pros and cons of drop shipping. We will go through the different elements of each in the next few lines, but we would also like to outline the basic differences that can make your decision on how to supply your products.
In short, buying Wholesale Childrens Clothing in bulk means a large number of items at a lower price. Because of this, you need to find a way to store those products, package them, and send them to customers. It becomes a much bigger drop shipping operation. However, you save significantly on the unit price, thus improving your profit margins.
Drop shipping does not require you to store, package or ship one of the items your customers buy from your store. Instead, you work with the supplier or manufacturer who is willing to eliminate the shipping costs. This means that your company creates a website with product pages and payment forms for accepting payments. The main job you need to do is manage your website. Manage customer support and marketing to your customers. You will start getting the orders. Depending on your configuration, you may need to send the purchase order to your carrier to complete the order.
Pretty Kid is one of the largest growing online wholesale children and women-clothing platforms to date. Affordable price, availability, design and high quality are guaranteed.